Image Licensing

License Images from Elizabeth Carmel

Elizabeth Carmel’s images are available for licensing for use in Calendars, Posters, Greeting Cards, Books, and other media.  All images in all online portfolios may be added to an online lightbox for sharing and for download of low-res comps. Please inquire with Elizabeth Carmel directly for licensing fees for specific images, or to discuss assignment work & custom installations. Use the Search Function in the Menu Bar of each online portfolio to search by keyword, image title, or image location. Please remember that all images are the intellectual property of Elizabeth Carmel and all images are copyrighted; therefore they are protected by United States and International copyright laws. Low res comps may be downloaded for evaluation purposes. Any other use is strictly forbidden without the permission of Elizabeth Carmel.

Please complete this form for more information on licensing images from Elizabeth Carmel.

Nature videos produced by Elizabeth Carmel can be licensed via Pond5 Stock Agency

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